Reason To Panic ™

Episode 1: A Fowl Invasion

Episode 1: A Fowl Invasion
Reason To Panic ™
Episode 1: A Fowl Invasion

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Nothing is more terrifying than an invasion you can't stop ...

... no matter the form.

In this week's episode, we're talking about an invasion in Majorca, Spain, and it's an episode you won't want to miss. These small invaders are reaking havoc on the locals, and there doesn't seem to be anything they can do to stop the masses from congregating.

The invaders are small, no bigger than a large rat, but they can fly, and they are smart.

They're pigeons ... and if you've ever been to New York City, you know you don't mess with pigeons--much like the state of Texas.

Listen in to find out what can be done, and if you too may need to worry about a pigeon invasion near you.