Reason To Panic ™

Episode 4: Uber Leaving California ... for good?

Episode 4: Uber Leaving California ... for good?
Reason To Panic ™
Episode 4: Uber Leaving California ... for good?

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Imagine a world without fast food delivery ...

... a world where you couldn't catch a ride anywhere you wanted to go.

A world without Uber.

Scary thought, right? Well, if you live in California, this could be a reality, and the implications are much, much bigger than a company like Uber leaving the state. 

You see, the State of California has attempted to create a rule, without the vote from its citizens, to force companies that hire independent contractors to treat all their contractors as employees. That includes paying taxes, unemployment insurance, and a host of other things.

Long story short ... it's bad for business owners.

Short story long ... listen to the podcast.

Just remember, if you're panicking about running out of reasons to panic, you're in the right place.

Let us know what you think!