Reason To Panic ™

Episode 3: Castoreum

Episode 3: Castoreum
Reason To Panic ™
Episode 3: Castoreum

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What's in a name?

Turns out ... a lot more than you think.

Castor is latin for beaver, and in today's episode, we're talking about beavers. For ages, beavers have been sought after for their pelts, but did you know that it's more than the beaver pelts that had people drooling?

It turns out, there was actually a part of the beaver that was more sought after than their fur: their castor sacs. A gland located near the posterior of the male and female beaver. Those castor sacs were filled with castoreum--a substance that was thought to cure anything from a headache to pregnancy.

But today, we simply know it as a "natural flavor."

Which natural flavor you ask?

Tune in to find out.