Motivation to Reach Your Promised Land

Do you have a God-given call to write? If so, listen up!

Do you have a God-given call to write? If so, listen up!
Motivation to Reach Your Promised Land
Do you have a God-given call to write? If so, listen up!

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Right now, Christian writers, authors, artists and musicians are lifting up Jesus through their creative abilities.

Are you a writer with a God-inspired story (a novel, short story, non-fiction book or memoir) that you would like to get into the hands of someone who needs to be encouraged through it? Learn to self-publish it! Let's connect, learn from each other and encourage each other!


Go to for more info! Sign up and get my guide "Ten Steps to Self-publish Your Book Easily and Affordably"  

Want to connect? Go to my author site (with book information) is at