Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry)

Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry): Rectifying One’s Inner State

Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry): Rectifying One’s Inner State
Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry)
Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry): Rectifying One’s Inner State

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This next session on Futuwwa based on Imam Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al Sulami’s (d. 412 AH, 1034 CE) book, Kitab al-Futuwwa, states that the real work is with rectifying one’s inner state. As part of the discussion, Shaykh Yahya mentions that when the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, taught, he sometimes wore nice clothes and sometimes wore simple clothes, and Shaykh Yahya discusses the wisdom behind that. Also, two examples from the life of Muhammad Ali are related which show the strength of his inner character and explain why so many people loved him.